carelessly growing uuuupp..

hahaha I am NOT in love man. I don't even really know what that word means :P But I am crazy about him. You have to meet him!! And you can't do that unless ya'll

And my life here is hardly like a story lol. And noooo, I haven't gotten the hang of dating. I've just been out with one guy so far and got lucky. Which is weird.. that we clicked so fast, I mean. We went out and bought a camera to take pics of us ahaHahahha how lame are we ?!?
The title of my last post is from a song by The Hush Sound, we were listening to their cd in car on the way up to his mom's. The lyrics just kinda stuck lol. The title for this post will prolly be from the same song. It's a cool song, okay ? :P

And Brian's cool. Ya know, If I hadn't fallen for Daniel, I wouldn't have minded going out with him a couple times. He's nice to be around. We went to the concert with him. I really doubt he had more than a reaaaaaalllyyyy TINY, itsy bitsy crush on me. Microscopic. Probably more like a fleeting attraction. Daniel said he has a thing for asians lol.

1 Comment:

  1. sonkey mpankers said...
    its not you who got lucky babe, its him ;) haha.. i'm like saying the cliche thing a bestfriend is suppose to say. but anyways, he sounds like a real dungu. haha.. very sporting, spontan and smth else that starts with s.. and he seems to have the same level of lame-ness with you. which is preeeeeettty low. so, sounds like a good match. but he dun got my thumbs up yet tho ;) ask him to send over some clothes and willy wonka's, then we'll talk.

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