
hello there :)

today went on with a much lighter note .. feeling muchos better, but not superb

im waiting for my mom to call me, cause we're going out for dinner.
she said she'll be here in abit, that was at 8pm. now its 8:50 pm..
i've been able to take my bath, sweep the floor and clean the kitchen counter. haha.
im in a cleaning mood now for some weird reason.
and since i have no maid, its like a forced on chore to clean but i rarely fulfill it.
and now, im blogging to kill more time

well today went like this.. had psych, the presentation given was interesting and pretty good too. then lepaaaaak.. till 3, had moral.. barely did anything. and then it was go home time (sounds so lame now that we're in college, lol) then i met up with jun.. came back to my place, watched the replacements (he hasnt seen it, and its like one of my all time fav movies) he liked it..
he made me cook for him ! haha. made him maggi mee, nuggets and hashbrowns.
the nuggets turned out half burnt on one side and fine on the other.. lol.
he still ate all of em :)

lol, my mom just came back. she bought food home. i changed for nothing.. pah ! typical mommy.

anyways, another thing thats been happening is the choosing of our new subjects for next sem !i dunno why, but i find it damn exciting. haha. being able to choose what u wanna take (even tho most of the subs now are basic requirements) but it feels so nice to be given so many choices. and then we get a whole new time table, so its not like repeating the same thing for the whole year. change is muchos fun. aaaaaaaand, this just puts us (me and W) ONE step closer to the US of A. ( aint that good news, N)

and our semester intake has been labeled as the weird, interesting and bubbly bunch of new students. haha. i think so too..

kay, food's a calling.


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