i love it when you call me Big Poppa

I've never noticed the odd things my mother says. Probably because after 16+ years of living with her, all those "odd" statements seem normal lol. Lately though, it seems kinda obvious 'cause Dave points it out. Then we're like, "Ohh yeaaah.. That is kinda weird." Like, for example, (redundant, yes, but whatever) we were driving home from a movie late last night (friday night movies. It's becoming a thing) and Dave notices we're out of gas. So she's goes, "Oh noo.. luckily, it's dark." So we went, "Uh.. So what if it's dark ?" Mom says, "So people won't recognize us when we're pushing the car." LMAO. Yes, her mind works in mysterious ways. Oh, wait, I have another story. Okay, Mom's pretty much over the whole 'housewife' thang. Ya know, cooking, cleaning, etc ( btw, I've created a chore chart so everyone pretty much helps out ). So a couple days ago, she was saying how it sucks that she has to make lunch everyday and she goes, in all seriousness, "Do we have to eat everyday?" So I went, "That's okay, Mom, we can starve." Huh. Well it's not that funny when I tell it. It's one of those 'you had to be there' moments. :D

Anyyywhooo.. I had orientation on the 24th. It's was kinda fun. Met a couple people - Deborah and Wendy. The funny part was that Deborah's Jewish, Wendy's Christian and I'm Muslim, lol. I feel like we should walk into a bar or something haha. Deborah's from Brussels (is that how it's spelt?) and has a reaaaaaaaaallly cool french acccent and Wendy's from Texas with no texas accent. Well, she does say Y'all. Sooo.. anyway, we hung out for a bit, talked a whole lot (told them about W and C ;) ) and ran into this cute Brazillian guy. I met him a couple days before and he's nice. Really friendly lol. Wendy gave him her number( via me, of course. Is this how girls in the U.S operate ? lol. So not my thing) and they went out yeterday. Ohhh. Just remembered I'm supposed to call her to ask how it went.

Oh hey, we're looking at paint chips to figure out what colour to paint my room. Any suggestions ?
(W + C)

Aaaaand.. I think we should add an explanation about the colour of the text in the About Us section. Something like
  • Green - W
  • Blue - C
  • Purple - N


  1. sonkey mpankers said...
    lol, sounds like a interesting mix of people.. and u just ran into a cute brazilian guy ? wth !! we'll never get that here :/ we'll prolly run into one of our old smelleh guys or one of our guys ex-schoolmates classmates neighbour or smth.. everyone's connected here. and woah, wendy moves fasssssst wei. so does that brazilian dood. soon enough u'll be telling us bout ure first date there! ahahahaahhaahhahaha..

    - C
    sonkey mpankers said...
    LMAO doubt the date thing. not right now anyway :P

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