you know i'm such a fool for you..

there's just something about Dolores Burtons' (lead vocalist for the cranberries) voice that's just so mesmerizing .. it's so airy, wispy, breathy.. by the way, i am currently obsessed with their song 'linger' thanks to the movie click (which i HIGHLY recommend). i mean, the movie's not oscar worthy or anything but it did leave a small dent though. it's a feel good movie starring adam sandler and kate beckinsale. however on the downside, it was kinda predictable and during the movie, there was a point when i felt like the cliches were just too.. "ARGH". but i guess i still liked it. like i said, it's a feel good, adam sandler movie. and you know what ? i'd actually buy the dvd and watch it again. hahah. loved the soundtrack too.

so, what's up in school.. ? finals are in 3 days. and do i feel prepared ? no.


damn, im fked.

okay, let's deviate from that unhappy topic to something a little more.. uplifting !
so, last week i got my psych. assignment and presentation marks back and i guess i did okay. . . jnkf. sharts. you know what. i did MORE than okay. yAyayayayyayayy ! i did. good. haha. actually it was a group effort and everyone put their 2 cents in. so i'll rephrase it.. WE did good. hhaha..oh, but the best bit was when my psych. lecturer said she was really proud of us. :) . those marks and what she said really made my day, AND i actually stopped worrying about calculus for like.. a millisecond. i just love that feeling of accomplishment. it's just so rare, y'know ? i think when we got the assignment back, we just stared at the marks and kept on picking the book up and stroking it .. i don't know why we found it so hard to believe we did good though.. ha haahrhar.

here are some pretty pictures by the way.

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the title.

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the book, Zhli took this pic. during psych....

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hah ! it reads: comprehensive, meaningful and interesting ! very enlightening to read and analyse. 'something' 'something' different perspectives. very good work !

muahaha. okay, that's enough gloating for today. it's 12ish in the morning now here. so, night.


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