the Nile, not just a river in Egypt

Different colours ? gotcha.

So, my (N's) mom got married last 17th. You've heard of whirwind romances ? This was a whirlwind wedding. In fact, it was a whirlwind migration. I (and by I, I mean my amazing friends who practically did ALL the heavy lifting while i burst into tears every 5 minutes) didn't even pack til the day before we left. Call it denial.

I've been in the U.S for a little over a month now and we still haven't settled down. Right now, i'm typing from our lakehouse inVermont. We're flying back to Dallas on Monday. I guess that's when real life will start - school, clubs, activities. It feels like we're on vacation and anyday now, i'll be heading back home to Malaysia. hah. Now, that's definitely the denial talking.

Don't get the wrong picture though. I'm not miserable. I'm not thinking "Oh woe is me, being brought to a new country, given a brand new car (true, it's a Kia, but a car nonetheless.), vacationing at a lake house with direct access to a speedboat." (bet you're thinking "how spoilt is this bitch?") That would be beyond stupid. It's actually pretty good here. What sucks is that i had to leave behind the life I had. Which was a pretty good life. A great one, actually. Ah well. those are the breaks. Besides, C and Y will be here soon enough. I'll give it a couple years.

Annnnyyway.. here are some wedding photos.

Wedding cake sweet enough to give the whole world diabetes.

AZ with hot Aunt June

ZZ stepping on Aunt Sally's toes

Mom + Dave

partying with the R_____ers, baby!

yeaaaaaaaaaaap, that's yours truly. The guy escorting me is my brand-spankin' new stepbrother, RR.

My other brothers ; AZ and ZZ . They're a little shy.. :)



  1. sonkey mpankers said...
    haha. you actually look tall in that pic.. u prolly stretched it ! anyways, u look really purty..
    sonkey mpankers said...
    lol i did not stretch it ! it's the damn heels. :P besides, i am tall.. LMAO

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