Epiphany !

[warning : All questions are rhetorical.]

I was watching VH1 (yes, I watch VH1. It's bloody entertaining) and somehow, Scientology came up. I've always felt cynical about this so-called religion, dismissing followers as deluded quacks. (yes, even you, Tom Cruise) but then as I sat there, it came to me. A moment of enlightenment. I don't know what the hell Scientology is. VH1 defined Scientology as a religion that believes that the human race was infected by aliens that descended to earth eaons ago and that ridding the body of the infection is a lifetime cycle. Then again, I don't trust everything I hear on TV. So, I looked it up on dictionary.com. Definition - A controversial belief system developed by L. Ron Hubbard, based on a person being an immortal spiritual being whose survival depends on him/herself and his/her attainment of brotherhood with others and the universe. Uhh.. yeaah. Anyway, I chatised myself for being so judgemental. *cue inspirational music* Who am I to degrade the belief of others ? Besides, religion's all about self-improvement. Why descriminate against that ? So, I vow to be more respectful. So should everyone else. Live and let live. Self-importance and ignorance are hardly encouging factors for World Peace. End of message.



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