[warning : All questions are rhetorical.]
I was watching VH1 (yes, I watch VH1. It's bloody entertaining) and somehow, Scientology came up. I've always felt cynical about this so-called religion, dismissing followers as deluded quacks. (yes, even you, Tom Cruise) but then as I sat there, it came to me. A moment of enlightenment. I don't know what the hell Scientology is. VH1 defined Scientology as a religion that believes that the human race was infected by aliens that descended to earth eaons ago and that ridding the body of the infection is a lifetime cycle. Then again, I don't trust everything I hear on TV. So, I looked it up on dictionary.com. Definition - A controversial belief system developed by L. Ron Hubbard, based on a person being an immortal spiritual being whose survival depends on him/herself and his/her attainment of brotherhood with others and the universe. Uhh.. yeaah. Anyway, I chatised myself for being so judgemental. *cue inspirational music* Who am I to degrade the belief of others ? Besides, religion's all about self-improvement. Why descriminate against that ? So, I vow to be more respectful. So should everyone else. Live and let live. Self-importance and ignorance are hardly encouging factors for World Peace. End of message.
so, what's up in school.. ? finals are in 3 days. and do i feel prepared ? no.
damn, im fked.
okay, let's deviate from that unhappy topic to something a little more.. uplifting !
so, last week i got my psych. assignment and presentation marks back and i guess i did okay. . . jnkf. sharts. you know what. i did MORE than okay. yAyayayayyayayy ! i did. good. haha. actually it was a group effort and everyone put their 2 cents in. so i'll rephrase it.. WE did good. hhaha..oh, but the best bit was when my psych. lecturer said she was really proud of us. :) . those marks and what she said really made my day, AND i actually stopped worrying about calculus for like.. a millisecond. i just love that feeling of accomplishment. it's just so rare, y'know ? i think when we got the assignment back, we just stared at the marks and kept on picking the book up and stroking it .. i don't know why we found it so hard to believe we did good though.. ha haahrhar.
here are some pretty pictures by the way.
the title.
the book, Zhli took this pic. during psych....
hah ! it reads: comprehensive, meaningful and interesting ! very enlightening to read and analyse. 'something' 'something' different perspectives. very good work !
muahaha. okay, that's enough gloating for today. it's 12ish in the morning now here. so, night.
So, it's 3 a.m, and I'm supposed to be up early tommorow to check out some colleges but i figured, what the hell, I can't sleep so I might as well blog. So, my (or our) oh-so-therepeutic online journal ( i was going to type 'diary' but isn't 'journal' more.. mature? lol. I know - you're thinking if i have to think about what sounds mature, then I'm probably not. humff. Says you :P ) Oh hey, don't you guys prefer the bigger font ? You don't have to squint your eyes to read the words anymore ! holla-mah-llujah !
Since I've been here, ( Texas, where some hairstyles are so big, they have their own zipcode. Don't get me started on the boobs ) I've noticed something. Dishwashers. In every house. Coming from a country where ALL dishes have to be washed by hand, the dishwasher seems kinda asinine. Why, you ask ? Well, you would think that dishwashers would make hand-washing dishes obsolete, but no. Here's how the typical dish-cleaning process works - you wash the dishes (by hand) to get rid of the grease and other gunk, then put them in the dishwasher where they will again be cleaned. This takes about a couple hours. So.. the dishwasher - a time-saving, wonder invention or OVERKILL ? Just put in the extra 2 seconds to get that damn dish clean by hand.
goodnight. or morning. whatever. i'm going to bed.
Option 1 - take a year of high school as a junior on the early-graduation track. Here's the catch - Option 1 requires me to go to summer school as well as loads of extra classes to earn enough credits to graduate, leaving no time to engange in anything remotely fun. It's all about balance, ya know ?
Option2 - take 2 years of high school and graduate as a typical american high-schooler, losing all international status AND the extra years i gained by graduating early back home. However, that just seems like a total waste of time. Bonus - having time to figure out a 5-year plan.
Option 3 - community college. Down side ; having to come up with a 5-year plan now.
rawr. weeks like this, a 16-year-old can live without.
hey ! just added a new function to our blog. it's for our 'what we like' section cos i thought it looked kinda sad. so you guys can add more items at www.productwiki.com .. the psswrd and username is the same as the one we use to access this blog. it's really easy.. just read the instructions or click around. you'll figure it out eventually. hehehhe. oh.. and i added a web-comic recommendation thingy too. i like the link banners leh. har har. okay, guess that's about it.
today went on with a much lighter note .. feeling muchos better, but not superb
im waiting for my mom to call me, cause we're going out for dinner.
she said she'll be here in abit, that was at 8pm. now its 8:50 pm..
i've been able to take my bath, sweep the floor and clean the kitchen counter. haha.
im in a cleaning mood now for some weird reason.
and since i have no maid, its like a forced on chore to clean but i rarely fulfill it.
and now, im blogging to kill more time
well today went like this.. had psych, the presentation given was interesting and pretty good too. then lepaaaaak.. till 3, had moral.. barely did anything. and then it was go home time (sounds so lame now that we're in college, lol) then i met up with jun.. came back to my place, watched the replacements (he hasnt seen it, and its like one of my all time fav movies) he liked it..
he made me cook for him ! haha. made him maggi mee, nuggets and hashbrowns.
the nuggets turned out half burnt on one side and fine on the other.. lol.
he still ate all of em :)
lol, my mom just came back. she bought food home. i changed for nothing.. pah ! typical mommy.
anyways, another thing thats been happening is the choosing of our new subjects for next sem !i dunno why, but i find it damn exciting. haha. being able to choose what u wanna take (even tho most of the subs now are basic requirements) but it feels so nice to be given so many choices. and then we get a whole new time table, so its not like repeating the same thing for the whole year. change is muchos fun. aaaaaaaand, this just puts us (me and W) ONE step closer to the US of A. ( aint that good news, N)
and our semester intake has been labeled as the weird, interesting and bubbly bunch of new students. haha. i think so too..
kay, food's a calling.
i hate my sister. lousy brat. she cancelled my post. i hate jueeriujwikejthnwejknrjewrwen akwea. damn. okay, i don't have the bloody mood to retype so just make up your own story about what happened. ARGH ! kill kill kill kill killDIEIEIEIEAIEIAEIIEIEAJWNDAKJSN ! screrwjrwjwjrwnjwkrnwk fdmkmkldf monkey nuts.
I wish you bluebirds in the spring..
3 comments Published by sonkey mpankers on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 at 7:38 AMlol.. no la.. im not that bersemangat leh. oddly enough, i just felt like posting in again..
am taking a break from calculus and i can whole heartedly say that i honestly really hate CALCULUS. hah. yeah, and i bet it hates me too....
but my calc. lecturer, mr. sam, is the best though. he's kind of the reason why i stuck with the subject. and NO, im not being gross. ew. i mean, when i approached him for advise on whether i should withdraw calc. this semester and take it the next, what he told me was pretty inspiring and for some reason, it did not seem artificial. i would've typed it out.. but it wouldn't sound as good as how he said it. hehe. oh, and it wouldn't be that accurate anyway..
here's a picture update btw. enjoy.
a friend, h ui ten g, made this for me. lol. it was very sweet of her to do that.. hehe..
here's a close-up of the doll version me.. hah. lookie at the flippy flops ! LOOK !!
LOL. this, i got from EuG's friendster. hahahaha. damn fool la that fella.
my presentation was on dating behaviors and it was for psych. hehe. so how did it go ? i don't think i did TOO well.. but it wasn't shit either. my nerves kinda got the better of me though at first. but halfway through, i relaxed a bit. got into this rhythm. ehehe. (damn, i suck at public speaking) though, i think i got lucky cos i landed a pretty good team. hahahha.. everyone did their thing and there was none of that freeloading, half past six .. kinda crap. hoho. they're all nice. anyway, here's how they look like, N..
This is z u ha ili (Zhli). ;p she dumb.
Zhli and n ajl aa (Njla). she dumber.
ack ! eyes closed ..
i look so smily. ew.. :) . and that's ee p hie (Ephe). she the dumbest.
bahahahah !
oh yeah.. their names are suppose to be joined actually and no, it's not a typo. it's so that this site can stay anonymous. btw, try googling: c h ar, we n, na bz (typed the normal way la).. it comes up ! lol. how cool eh ?
of guitar strings and twangy things...
3 comments Published by sonkey mpankers on Saturday, July 22, 2006 at 4:25 AMso to pick up where i left off..
i didn't do much on sunday. i think.. ? went for a college fair with C and UJn and i grabbed lots of those college booklets and articles. had a test on monday. it's a psych. test.. i did quite okay. not too shabby for last min. studying but not outstanding like the smart arseholes. oh well, beggars can't be choosers right.. my bio marks are okay so far. average-ish. my calculus grades however.. it depresses me. a lousy C+. i don't know. that's really gonna mess up my grades. yeah. in aup, a C grade for calc. is kinda like skating on thin ice. i can't drop it now because the withdrawal date was on monday and my dad told me not to anyway. hahahahsdhsdf.. fking schweizer chops.
then for those first few days of last week i felt that college got a bit much.. grades, deadlines, tests, due dates, presentations and it just kept on comin'... i wasn' the only one who thought that tho.. that week a few others were on their edge too.. there were tell-tale signs of them feeling agitated, tired, P.O.-ed, frustrated, etc.. i guess stress can make people do weird things.. i kind of had a bit of a tiff with this one girl at college. nothing major. it's all blown over now but on that day itself, i kinda was re-evaluating my circle of friends and shites. (lol. emo much). i think i felt my lowest and smallest for those few days (it's the lowest i've felt in college, that is) .. if i remember correctly..
thank god it is all over with.
okay, maybe not the grades thing. am still a bit !#$!%!^!&%$*@!$&!^#$&!$#@#$^(!&;(^$ about it...
thursday onwards was when i got my party on ! woO ! lol. the aup opening act was starting to come together.. i was just about done with the song/sound effects edit for the dance. there were no datelines for the rest of the week. people were being superly duperly nice to me. N called me. how unexpected. thanks for the ring, really made my day. ;) then me, C and the fellas went out for dinner at Victoria Station.. (N, really wished that you could have been here..) NcK picked me up (cos dad took my keys) with his uh... snazzy perdana ? lol. (yeah right) dinner was fun. babu is the man. so is iswarrr.. i LOVED the gifts and the cake ! mm.... :D. split the bill with NdhR since it was his farewell dinner too.. ;(. i hate farewells. it was sweet how they all came even though it was a school night and most of them looked dead tired/sick as a dog/sleep deprived. haha.. it was a nice dinner.. ;) . (GOD. snap out of it already *slaps self*).
okay. friday, d-day.. it was my college formal day. went to the place early for rehearsal.. during practice they sang me a birthday song and i HAD to turn lobster red. geez. could feel the blood boiling man. took me a while to cool off.. damn, i really don't know how to react when publicly acknowledged, i looked like a right prat.. shart it. anyway, everyone had their fingers crossed for the performance and hoped for it to go well since it's so bloody last minute. in the end, it went better than well and the crowd enjoyed it. haha.. talk about a good night. after, the whole lot of us went to SP and makan since we all didn't buy tickets. we ate at KFC and they got me a cake. yeah. ANOTHER cake. prolly gained a kilo or so already. damn it. having fun comes with a price. :/ after dinner we went to AC for 'siew ye'. lol. nobody wanted to go home that night lar.
but finally we did la.
yeah, all in all.. i had a great time and a good 18th. thanks for everything you guys!! ;D
fruits that make you poop !
wine and dine on the midnight express.
C, me and bob.
the bag they got me..
vain muchos ?
ahahahahHAhahhAH !
ha ha. ew.
cake #2.
lol.. i look like im making a wish.
KFC ad.
just one of the girls. LOL.
man oh man, where do i start..
well, im just gonna go with what comes out at the top of my head. hehe
i spent last saturday at some netball competition, didnt even get to play (pah :P)
but it was fun laa.. though i thought ICSJ's team was really good during practices, but when it came to the competition, we were pretty much trashed (nerves?). the only thing i have to say is, i didnt contribute, so i dun feel all that bad. hehe. but the girls werent like devistated.. so it was a VERY friendly match, in all sense of the word.. most friendliest ive ever seen. no one was pissed off or sad. haha. after that we stuck around for a couple of hours.. just chilling, it was like having a picnic (we should complete that plan when ure back, n) and after thaaaaat, since kajang was like a stone's throw away, we went to eat saaaatay! haha. talk abt happy go lucky ppl.. and the teacher adviser was so nice, she belanja-ed us all. damn.
okay, seeing as how i'm typing, this post is gonna be pretty darn long. haha
and. haha. i got my eyebrow's shaped.. well more like forced.
but it was for free..
oh yeah, and last night the performance thing went well..
was really fun.. didnt screw up majorly, so cool :)
buuuut, the guy who did make up was like trying to do some smoky eye effect and like some "woah!" kinda look.. ya noe, tying to like make us dancers look like the real thing.
and it so backfired.. ahaha. i looked like a freaking drag queen. ( will post a pic once i get some)
haha.. but i wiped loads of the make up off and it looked okay la after that.
but i dun get why these make up artist have to put SO much on. grr.
and i guess w's gonna blog bout the rest of the night.. since it was her BDAY ! woo woo ! - i wished like like a bazillion times.
thurday nights dinner was nice :)
nad was all dressed up.. hehe. long sleeve button shirt and slacks wei.
we all came in jeans, khakis. three quater pants, and t-shirts. haha
(will add a pic here)
hehe, bare with me. just try to imagine it.
and there was this waiter named babu. haha. i think he had a thing for gene.
we guess it was his bday too, cause when they were singing w a bday song, they kept adding babu's name. haha.
and finals are coming up, in two weeks. damn it , we've been in college for like almost 4 months now ! so fast..
and then getting a two week break. and MEGA SALES ARE HERE !!!! wooo ~
so gonna sit around and watch movies and shop ! (havent watched one in weeks! , hell i havent even seen x men 3, pathetic, haha)
From Sunshine to Moonbeams...
1 comments Published by sonkey mpankers on Thursday, July 20, 2006 at 5:07 PMman, what a week ! and it's not even over yet.. lol. i feel as if hurricane kathrina just swept by and messed up my life's equilibrium or something. ha ha. okay.. so, i'll just start from day 1..
i had an array of things to do last saturday (nothing i can't handle tho.. lol.) . i had my first official guitar class at 'the guitar store'. the teacher is nice. he smokes like a chimney and drinks coffee like a fish. (geez, what's with the lame similies) . he reminds me of that grouch in sesame street. you know, the one in the rubbish can? yeah, he's sarcastic. oh and that fateful day, was the day i realized that my basics are so totally screwed and i suck at guitar (no wait, i knew abt the latter) . anywhO, the array of things to do does not cease here as after.. i had to go for art class, my last guitar class at encore, drive wei insane, mentally tire myself out.. see my grandma, uncle, aunt, then i jumped, skipped and hopped a little.. got home and went out again with char and the fellas later at night to see one of their last performances as a band.. (don't you just hate lasts..) they were ooOokay i guess. the acoustics in the hall were bad anyway. we had dinner later at AC.. then everyone got in their rides and went joyriding.. yeah, everyone who can drive now think that they're extras of the TF&TF: Tokyo Drift set. how gay. so, in the end we all ended up at EuG's place for the "band after party" (yeah.. pfft) . lol. his definition of a "band after party" was to go over his place, bring your own supply of food and drinks.. then everyone will just sit around and watch the OC. pah.
woh. my summarizing skills suck. lol.
- oh shite, school !!(%^&*()#!#$^&%%.. to be continued..
Cable's got nothing on ASTRO. Long live Astro ! Then again, ASTRO doesn't show reruns of The Golden Girls.. hmm. They should. YOU READING THIS ASTRO PEOPLE ? THE GOLDEN GIRLS !

Y oh Y
'tis the anniversary of your birth (in a couple days, anyway :D)
and though this girl would like
to see you turn 18
I can't
so please mail me some cake
go on now and shake ya tailfeather ;)
Y.C.N I'm lovin it.
Hah ! okay, so i know the layout is not ALL that.. cos it's still a work in progress ok.. but i really wanted to put it up today. for some reason. anyway, it's 12:42 AM. time to hit the hay. YOU KNOW.. HAY. haha..... . ha..
anyway. i want feedback now.
ps: the about me and the what we like section at the side needs serious editing k.
hey gang. LOL
anyway, to make everyone's blogging life a whole lot easier.. i think we should have individual colors for our posts.. hahahaha. righto.
for example;
mine will be green, C's posts will be in blue and N's will be purple. ok? geddit? yar yar? preferably the color chosen is from a different color range so we don't get confused (...). oh. and you only get to choose it ONCE btw. haha. ha, ha.... REDs are for important announcement/attention/msg purposes where as Black is for.. biasa/admin announcements. eheh.
the blog layout is almost done. still gots a bit of color/picture tweaking/editing before i put it up. hope you guys LOVE it. i know i dooooo ~. lol.
Different colours ? gotcha.
So, my (N's) mom got married last 17th. You've heard of whirwind romances ? This was a whirlwind wedding. In fact, it was a whirlwind migration. I (and by I, I mean my amazing friends who practically did ALL the heavy lifting while i burst into tears every 5 minutes) didn't even pack til the day before we left. Call it denial.
I've been in the U.S for a little over a month now and we still haven't settled down. Right now, i'm typing from our lakehouse inVermont. We're flying back to Dallas on Monday. I guess that's when real life will start - school, clubs, activities. It feels like we're on vacation and anyday now, i'll be heading back home to Malaysia. hah. Now, that's definitely the denial talking.
Don't get the wrong picture though. I'm not miserable. I'm not thinking "Oh woe is me, being brought to a new country, given a brand new car (true, it's a Kia, but a car nonetheless.), vacationing at a lake house with direct access to a speedboat." (bet you're thinking "how spoilt is this bitch?") That would be beyond stupid. It's actually pretty good here. What sucks is that i had to leave behind the life I had. Which was a pretty good life. A great one, actually. Ah well. those are the breaks. Besides, C and Y will be here soon enough. I'll give it a couple years.
Annnnyyway.. here are some wedding photos.
Wedding cake sweet enough to give the whole world diabetes.
AZ with hot Aunt June
ZZ stepping on Aunt Sally's toes
Mom + Dave
partying with the R_____ers, baby!
yeaaaaaaaaaaap, that's yours truly. The guy escorting me is my brand-spankin' new stepbrother, RR.
My other brothers ; AZ and ZZ . They're a little shy.. :)
Thought I'd provide some background story and induldge my life-long dream of being an author lol. right. So.. yeah. This blog is a joint venture. We (C, N & Y) started because I (N) was migrating. All the way to good ol' US of A. So we started this, mainly as a way to fill each other in on our lives with the added bonus of being able to work out personal issues in an annonymous and therepeutic way. I mean, a blog is public.. but not really public, ya know ? Unless we advertise. Which we're not going to. Not yet, anyway. So, why am I writing (or more accurately, typing) like I have an audience ? I don't know. Tell me why, Y.
day 1 - It's my first day in America ! At first i was excited.. but then some white kids threw stones at me. They made me cry.
LMAO. How's that for a first day ? Okay, before I get sued or something I better mention that that never happened. :D
Cheers to the second entry on our blog, kiddos. love you guys.