The poserific Spellman brothers! You know I love yall ;)
who's tryna be gangsta now yo. LMAO
i know i look like crap but wtv.

from left: brittany, steven, leah, micheal, deborah. being gangsta at six flags hahaha. notice how they're all too white to be gangster? doesn't stop Steven from tryin tho LOL

Steven, Derek, Micheal. These buggers taught me how to play poker ;)
Hey lovers, not much time, gotta pack for Tahoe, snowboarding season! Leaving soon but u know how I am with packing - last minute is how I do it lol. I'll just post some pics of recent activities up, don't have the pics of xmas yet, I'll upload those when I get back. And no they're not gangsta wannabes lol. well, except maybe steven ;) Post the Langkawi pics and all the fun I missed !! lotsa love from ur biatch. ;)