soul eating virus

Hangin out with all these new people.. it makes me miss hangin out with the people back home even more. Char, Wen, Pin, Bo and all y'all.. the people who've known me for ages and ages, even before I developed a personality, which was around '01 :P It's still a work-in-progress, though. I can't remember the last time I didn't feel completely at ease with you guys. Scratch that, not just at ease - completely me. I actually think I'm even more myself when I'm with y'all. ( "ya'll" is really starting to grow on me - can you tell ? )
I'm not saying that hangin out with Deborah and everyone else isn't fun. It's been awesome. As great as they are though, it's still in the getting-to-know-you stage. Huh. Can you remember that stage with us, Cha ? Wen ? I can't. Chalk it up to either my bad memory or pre-destined friendship haha. A little bit of both ? :D Anywhoo.. I was telling Deb about prom back home and how Israk screwed up with Gavin. Twice. Lol. And about dancing with Haziq, and the butterflies.. those damn butterflies. (99.9% sure that phase is O-V-E-R though. As dead as roadkill. Holla-mah-llujah.) Oh and about that funny Merdeka night at Sunway Hotel. No worries, I left out most of the gory details lol. But it made me miss you guys even more and being with people I was 110% comfy with and not have to bother about small talk or whatever. It's still fun.. but it's not the same, ya know ? That's all I wanted to get off my chest. Speaking of, I wouldn't mind going down a cup size.
P.S - Stranger in a Strange Land. Read it. You'll love it. I uhh.. "grok" it :D


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