currently listening to: the fratellis - vince the lovable stoner.

hello! RIGHT. this post is totally dedicate to and just for Tristin Shanley Hsu. ya huh. ThhHhhaaaattt's rigghhtt! this IS in fact one of those zomg-shit-oh-no-not-one-of-those-aAaaAAaarrggh-my-eye-SoOocketsSsS kinda posts that people find real icky and eww and disturbing and.. uh. stuff. HAH. well too bad, my page so fuggof. :)
so, i just dug that picture up out of.. well.. god knows where actually. well, obviously we're in a car.. i can't remember for the life of me where exactly were we headed to. or perhaps we really weren't actually going anywhere but decided to hop in and camwhore in the car anyway. hm. that's kinda stupid i guess. but seriously i dont remember lah.
mm.. looking at it again now.. i think the car was probably in motion cos the trees outside look in a blur. ergo, we aren't as lifeless as to just get in and take pictures in a stationed car. we had a destination of some kind to get to.
wellannyhow. im clearly the picture taker as the camera is held at my angle. If he held it he would have to sorta stretch and probably lose control of the car and drive us into a ditch of some sort. but here, he is observed to be sitting in an upright and rather comfy position and seeing as im still around to type out this totally awesome post, i of course took this picture.
tristy's kinda got that normal im-just-looking-at-the-camera look or maybe he's not really looking at the camera but at my side of the window. something of interest outside? oh well, i wouldn't know. im just smirking and really just looking at the camera. wait, actually im not too sure if that's really a smirk or a half smile or a :|. so yeah, let's leave it as im just looking right at the camera.
roight, moving on.. im seen fashioned in a bright pink polo top. something i'd never imagine myself wearing back in form 3. yeaah, remember when i only wore black back then? yeah. that was my cool signature color yo, gosh. i think i bought this shirt with charness. it was like an impulse buy at subang parade after gym. or smthg. hah. guess i was convinced. well anyway, he's donned in this black tee with some kinda doodle in the front. very normal-esque guy wear. t-shirt and jeans. shirt jeans shorts shirt jeans shorts. boy was that fun to type. ooh this is me typing the first thing that pops right into my head. it's as if my fingers are running after my thoughts. that's fun. quite really. man, what i'd give for a churro from disneyland california right now.
so what else? i kinda edited the photo's exposure and color on this photo editing website (picnik) which i think is pretty easy to use. so go check it out if you'd like. hm. guess that's about all i can say about this picture.
and i so totally heart tristin!
yay! okay that's all for now cos papa just cooked noodles and i can smell it all the way from my room cya!

hello! RIGHT. this post is totally dedicate to and just for Tristin Shanley Hsu. ya huh. ThhHhhaaaattt's rigghhtt! this IS in fact one of those zomg-shit-oh-no-not-one-of-those-aAaaAAaarrggh-my-eye-SoOocketsSsS kinda posts that people find real icky and eww and disturbing and.. uh. stuff. HAH. well too bad, my page so fuggof. :)
so, i just dug that picture up out of.. well.. god knows where actually. well, obviously we're in a car.. i can't remember for the life of me where exactly were we headed to. or perhaps we really weren't actually going anywhere but decided to hop in and camwhore in the car anyway. hm. that's kinda stupid i guess. but seriously i dont remember lah.
mm.. looking at it again now.. i think the car was probably in motion cos the trees outside look in a blur. ergo, we aren't as lifeless as to just get in and take pictures in a stationed car. we had a destination of some kind to get to.
wellannyhow. im clearly the picture taker as the camera is held at my angle. If he held it he would have to sorta stretch and probably lose control of the car and drive us into a ditch of some sort. but here, he is observed to be sitting in an upright and rather comfy position and seeing as im still around to type out this totally awesome post, i of course took this picture.
tristy's kinda got that normal im-just-looking-at-the-camera look or maybe he's not really looking at the camera but at my side of the window. something of interest outside? oh well, i wouldn't know. im just smirking and really just looking at the camera. wait, actually im not too sure if that's really a smirk or a half smile or a :|. so yeah, let's leave it as im just looking right at the camera.
roight, moving on.. im seen fashioned in a bright pink polo top. something i'd never imagine myself wearing back in form 3. yeaah, remember when i only wore black back then? yeah. that was my cool signature color yo, gosh. i think i bought this shirt with charness. it was like an impulse buy at subang parade after gym. or smthg. hah. guess i was convinced. well anyway, he's donned in this black tee with some kinda doodle in the front. very normal-esque guy wear. t-shirt and jeans. shirt jeans shorts shirt jeans shorts. boy was that fun to type. ooh this is me typing the first thing that pops right into my head. it's as if my fingers are running after my thoughts. that's fun. quite really. man, what i'd give for a churro from disneyland california right now.
so what else? i kinda edited the photo's exposure and color on this photo editing website (picnik) which i think is pretty easy to use. so go check it out if you'd like. hm. guess that's about all i can say about this picture.
and i so totally heart tristin!
yay! okay that's all for now cos papa just cooked noodles and i can smell it all the way from my room cya!
nowgetridofthatthingthatlikeyousaidyouwouldori'llgutyoulikeatrout. :)
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