dancing in the moonlight
Published by sonkey mpankers on Monday, October 23, 2006 at 9:08 PMThe weekend was awesome :) hung with Vito and Deb and one of Vito's friends.. Reed, was it? Caught a movie, shopped then chilled in the hot tub til 3 a.m then decided to watch Oceans Twelve. It was still in the dvd player cuz I watched it with D last Sunday.. well kinda watched it, we fell asleep through most of it lol. I could use more Saturdays like that. Sunday, watched Orpheus with Deb and D.. and I did something so unbelievably stupid, I'm kicking myself so hard right now. Lets not get into that. Moving past that now. Shakin it off lol.
Monday has not been kind. Bad day. Got a really bad grade on an English paper and kinda screwed up for a history assignment. Plus, I kept seeing D everywhere and when I bumped into him it was kinda weird-ish because of the setback we had on Sunday (ah man, don't ask. I don't how the hell it happened, but it did. No, Yau, I did not lose my virginity which is what I KNOW you're thinking. Oh ye of little faith) and also because I was having a bad day. Anywaayys, I was feeling kinda down but then Vito came over and cheered me up. He was kinda down too. Seems like everyone's having relationship probs lately. And you know what they say about misery lovin company.. He cheered me up though. When we talk, I see D through his eyes and it's not a particularly attractive picture. Sometimes I forget I'm 16 there's plenty of time to find the right guy. Not that I'm looking. But reminding myself I'm 16 gives me a different perspective on things ya know? Helps me deal with all the Daniels I fall for.
Anyways.. picture update. Been awhile huh ? :)

Deborah, me, Vito, Reed. Hot-tubbing felt soooo good. And who's bright idea was it ? That's right, moi ;)
Don't mind the peek-a-boob. I tried to edit but it turned out funny. Ah well, it's still PG-13 right?

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