Hypothetic scenario : You're at home and your 18 year old daughter's car breaks down and won't start as she's sending her brother to the hairdresser, a mere 2 miles away from the house. She says it's out of gas/ the battery's dead. You pick her up, maybe with a couple gallons of gas in hand but bottom line, you pick her up.
Real life scenario : You're at home and your 18 year old daughter's car breaks down and won't start as she's sending her brother to the hairdresser, a mere 2 miles away from the house. She says it's out of gas/ the battery's dead. You tell her to keep warm because it's freezing and wait for her stepdad, who is in a meeting 5 states away and therefore unavailable, to call with advice. You refuse to pick her up saying the car cannot be abandoned. Said daughter waits for over an hour, frantically trying to call the anyone and everyone in the household to no avail. Finally realizing she's not getting any help from home front, she calls her friend who drives 20 minutes to pick her up. Said friend takes her home to get that tank of gas, pours the gallon of gas that's left, only to realize the battery died so he jump starts her car then drives it to get filled. All this while your mechanically inept daughter stands idly by trying not to get in the way of saviorism in the process. When your daughter goes out to dinner with said friend to thank him, you complain that she's never with her family enough.
Understandably, your daughter would be thinking, What the fuck?
Anyways, tonight is Leah's 21st Birthday and she's one of my close friends here, she's throwing a party in Denton about an hour away so Laur, Breaune, Brandon and I are going, it'll be an all-nighter then we'll head back in the morning cuz I've got work at 12pm! Since it's her 21st, Rylie -her boyfriend and our close friend- shipped in a couple bottles of Absinthe so it should be interesting lol.