Macy Gray - Strange Behavior is currently playing.
hulo. omg. need to pee, be back soon.
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that was fun.
so, for today's post im planning to be as informative as i can. can ya tell?
geez, my nose itches.
heh. guess i should start with what the hell have i been up to these days. this should be the longest i've gone without posting in. i think? hahaha. well anywho. my skin feels like plastic today. just got back from redang and all i got was this sunburn. lol. it's healing alot faster than the last burn i got though. remember sabah nabz? that sucked so bad. owie.
redang was awesome though. it was just seven of us. me, char, juhilli, trist, najie, phie and elaine. i'd post up pictures but i don't have em with me. it's all with kak juhilli and she's gone to mecca so i guess i'll just have to wait till she gets back which is like in a week or so i reckon. lol. long sentence.
yeah, so back to the trip. seven of us and we stayed at the redang reef resort. which was really not too bad. chalet/dorm room style with buffet meals at accorded times. i kinda liked the food, brings back inai memories.. but that's just me. ha ha. we got two rooms; a quad and a triple sharing room. but we all ended up bunking in the quad la. doi.
snorkeled and sunbathed a whole lot while we were there. it was my first time snorkling so that was pretty exciting. we had this same guy, amir, as our instructor through out our trip. mildly perky fella and he talked a whole lot. real nice dude though. anyway, they'd boat us to these areas away from the island to snorkel and play. the waters were especially nice and warm and the best part was that it didn't rain at all while we were there. feels good to get away from the rain. though i think i got a little bit too much sun. dang.
ooh, and i soo so love LORve LoOove the coral beds. it's so huge and pretty! looks as if each coral has been strategically stacked onto one another; as if it's been nicely fitted there on purpose. totally mesmerizing. the waters thrived with all sorts of life like fishes, anemones, sponges, eels, turtles, sharks and whatnots.. ., . real fascinating finds. and er, stuff. rea- .. okaay finnee. so i didn't exactly see sharks and i only saw like one turtle and an eel. but that's cos i missed the last snorkling session. the heat really got to me. only elaine went for that one cos the rest just wanted to roll about on the sands. elaine loved it though. she said it looked like the stuff you'd see on national geographic.
aaaaah shish kabobs.. bloody ah moi.
um. at least i got to see fishies. the fishies kept swimming through my toes and sucking at them. the sucking was a bit geli la but they don't bite so that's okay. :) swimming really gets me hungry. so i think i ate a LOT while i was there. i'd eat or snack every time we'd get back from the beach. yum.
we stayed out frolicking and lazing by the beach until late then head on back when the sun had set. at night it was BBQ dinners and games. hm. we played all kinds of dumb ass games while we were there in fact.. like card games, uno, mahjohng, beach volley ball, tag, phrase from a movie, pepsi cola, twisterrrr haha. ZOMG! twister was so dungu. i'll post up the pictures when i get em okay. most of em include me sticking out my ass. not very pretty. but i won once so YEAH BABEY..,
they had karaoke there too. we'd have gone karaoke-ing but day one really knocked us out (travelling and waking up early to catch the flight) and people got to it first on day two. lol. so there's that. so we went to this club by the beach and ran around instead la. lol. i loike the night breeze and shooting stars. :)
but that's just me.
on the last day we got up extra extra early to watch the sunrise. like 6am early. yeah, that's really early for a holiday okay. at first the sky was just dim. splashes of pale blue, light oranges and reds.. then round 6:30 it got a bit brighter.. you could actually see a bit of light peeking out of the clouds. i saw this one cloud that resembled a three-eyed octopus sticking out its tongue in a somewhat mocking manner. yes, the clouds there were much expressive. I think someone snapped that one.
oh and of course we took this opportunity to cam whore. Like a whole lot. Like 400++ a lot. Rofl.. snapped a lot of pictures then. ish, i really need to get my hands on them pictures. So the sun came out at 7:15 so we couldn't look at the sky anymore. went over to the breakfast buffet then back to our rooms; showered, packed and headed back to terengganu by boat. the same way we came, of course. then from there we caught a plane back to kl.
sigh, i miss the beach already. i'd like to own a holiday house by the beach. or maybe my own resort in the
so that’s redang. And im so tan now that it pisses my mom off. Ho ho.
Total damage: RM270 + RM50 (snacks, rentals, etc;) + sunburnt shoulder blades.
I’d say that’s a steal. Wouldn’t you?
So there's something I need to write about, some in particular.. but I don't wanna jinx it ;)
Soon, k?
kay, i know i've been like super MIA. haha. but man was this sem long and busy..
so i'll just like start updating whatever i remember. (ps.its gonna be quite looong)
first there was this thing called C-RAZE that me and W entered with a whole bunch of other people. its like a amazing race thing. we had to race all around kl, pj and subang. doing tasks and all sorts. lemme see what i can remember.. we put together 2 teams. we were given 15 bucks, thats all. W hid some money in her car. haha, and they didnt take away my team's smart tag, woo hoo !
team 2, which we named billy ! consisting of tristin, wen, wan ling and jason
najlaa so couldnt take it, she puked the drink out. haha
and off we went to the istana negara. there, was when our good luck came to an end. fuck man, still not over it! haha. we were suppose to take a exact photo of an example given to us. everyone caught up to us there, and we had like a 45 min lead. felt really shitty. the guy just wouldnt let us go, saying we were 99% right like 50 times ! we were there for almost an hour and a half. and some tourist were like wondering why we all were snapping picture there thinking that it was like "the spot", so some of em just came and sat right in front of the spot we were taking a picture of and started snapping. gawd.
next was taman jaya park opposite amcorp mall. we had to like do a relay race on those massage stones in 100 secs. 4 people in a 100 secs. if we couldnt finish it we got another try, 130 secs. and if we couldnt complete that we had to do a whole jog around the park, while singing and dancing or you could just pick that. we did the massage rocks cause we wanted to make up time. first try, we were like 5 secs off. oh, yeah, we're allowed to bribe them for clues and stuff, its all for charity. so they said like 1 sec is 5 bucks. no way were we giving up our limited cash. so we just did it again and managed on time.
here's W doing it. ouchies
after all that, the next clue said we had to put together all the small pieces of souvenirs we had collected along the way. they were like these 1cm by 1cm pieces of paper which we didnt notice and had thrown away! hahahahaha. luckily billy's team had theirs, so we guessed what the picture was and it was INTI College. so baack there we went.. and we came in 4th! and 5th!
1st,2nd and 3rd got cash prizes :(
we got digi goodie bags (they were the main sponsor, we had to wear these digi shirts that said "ejen 007" at the back.. malu-nyer) and a hamper which we shared with everyone, even with the photog/camera men that followed us around in our car. yeah, there were cameramen who jumped into different cars to record the whole race. cool eh, will see if we get a cd.
the next day, we all ached like fck from the massage stones and all the running around. no food poisoning tho, thank god.
all in all, it was good fun. cept for that bloody task that made us lose our lead !!!! cbk. we had a philosophy mid term on monday, which almost made us not want to join. but we pulled through the stress and finals results should be out next week. we'll see if it was worth it then. haha
next to come, my 18th birthday, redang trip, good charlotte concert, finals and the 6 weird things tag.
love you guys.
So I bet you guys thought I disappeared.. and I guess I kinda did but not really, if that makes sense lol. Even if I did, I'm not alone! C & W have also been neglecting their blogging duties. Good job guys. Anyways, imma go ahead and post this up real quick cuz I gotta dash but knew I had to catch yall up! Miss you loads bitches.. :(
Some pics for those of you who don't have a dang myspace account and therefore, no access to these pics :

Me & Jess.. at ihop. again.

Heather, Me
You know how after JT's Sexyback song came out, everyone had a "Sexyback" pic? Lol well this is ours. Owh yeah, we're bringin sexyback (Yeah)

Valen, Moi
Victor, Me, Valen

with Jessica, affectionately called White Chocolate & Anna